Cuairt air Cathair-Eaglais Ghlaschu. Gaelic Tour of Glasgow Cathedral
10:00 am10:00

Cuairt air Cathair-Eaglais Ghlaschu. Gaelic Tour of Glasgow Cathedral

Thig còmhla rinn airson ionnsachadh mu Chathair-Eaglais Ghlaschu tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig! Ionnsachaidh sinn tòrr mun làrach aosmhor agus mun togalach fhèin. Bidh Robbie MacLeòid, oifigear adhartachaidh aig Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil na h-Alba, gar stiùireadh tron chathair-eaglais

Glèidh d’ àite tro EventBrite.


Come along and learn about the history of Glasgow Cathedral through the medium of Gaelic! We will find out lots about the ancient site and about the building itself. Robbie MacLeoid, who is the Gaelic Outreach Officer for Historic Environment Scotland, will be leading the tour.

Reserve your spot through EventBrite.

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Gàidhlig Ghnàthasach le Àdhamh Ó Broin
7:00 pm19:00

Gàidhlig Ghnàthasach le Àdhamh Ó Broin

English Below

A bheil thu a' strì gus am bi coltas nas Gàidhealaiche air do chuid Ghàidhlig? Tha fios againn nach ann gun spàirn a ghabhas sin a dhèanamh! Ach na gabh dragh, oir bidh Àdhamh Ó Broin a’ tilleadh chun An Lòchran is e a-mach air an t-slighe seachad air a’ Bheurlachas as cumanta ann an Gàidhlig nan neach-ionnsachaidh.

'S e ceòladair, sgrìobhadair, riochdaire agus comhairliche Gàidhlig a th' ann an Àdhamh a tha air a bhith ag obair gu daingean air taobh beairteas agus dualchainntean na Gàidhlig.

Bidh Àdhamh ann as leth Dòrlach @DorlachAlba

Tha an clas seo freagarrach do luchd-ionnsachaidh eadar-meadhanach ‘s adhartach.

Glèidh d’ àite tro EventBrite:


Are you struggling to make your Gaelic sound more "authentic" or "native"? We know that's not an easy feat! But don't worry, for Àdhamh Ó Broin will be joining us again at An Lòchran, this time to tell us about the most common Anglicisms in learner's Gaelic and how to use more Gaelic alternatives.

Àdhamh Ó Broin is a musician, writer, producer and Gaelic advisor who has been staunch in his efforts to preserve Gaelic's richness and dialects.

This class is suitable for intermediate to advanced learners.

Reserve your spot through EventBrite: EventBrite:

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Oidhche Gheamaichean-Bùird  / Boardgames Night
7:00 pm19:00

Oidhche Gheamaichean-Bùird / Boardgames Night

Dihaoine 28 an Gearran, 7f gu 10f.

Tha an sàr-cothrom seo air tilleadh an dèidh mìos! Thigibh ann gus ur sgilean geamaichean-bùird a leasachadh aig an aon àm ris na sgilean Gàidhlig agaibh, ann an suidheachadh mì-fhoirmeil. Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhaibh uile!

Friday 28th February, 7pm to 10pm

A fantastic opportunity to hone your board game skills as well as your Gaelic, in a relaxed setting! Open to all, and always a popular one. It would be great to see you there!

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Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu / Glasgow University's Gaelic Story
2:00 pm14:00

Sgeul na Gàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu / Glasgow University's Gaelic Story

Cuiridh ollanaich a’ Chùrsa Bhogaidh cuairt air Oilthigh Ghlaschu air dòigh gus an taisbeanadh iad eachdraidh fada Gàidhlig na h-oilthighe. Thig sinn còmhla aig a’ phrìomh geata Oilthigh Ghlaschu 2f.

Gheibh thu tiogaidean tro EventBrite

The students of Glasgow University’s Gaelic With Immersion course will be giving us a tour of the university, where they will guide us through the long history of Gaelic at the university. We will meet at the University of Glasgow’s main gate at 2pm.

You can get tickets through EventBrite

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An Oifis Fhosgailte
9:00 am09:00

An Oifis Fhosgailte

A bheil Gàidhlig agad is tu a’ sireadh àite-obrach tron latha? Thig a-steach dhan Oifis Fhosgailte, far am faigh thu goireasan tì, cofaidh, wifi, deasgan is deagh chraic tro mheadhan na Ghàidhlig! A h-uile saor an-asgaigh

Are you a Gaelic speaker looking for a daytime working space? Come along to our Open Office, where you will find tea, coffee, desks, and some good Gaelic chat!

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Oidhche sa Phark Bar
6:30 pm18:30

Oidhche sa Phark Bar

@ The Park Bar, 1202 Sràid Earra-Ghàidheal, Finnieston, Glaschu G3 8TE

Do dhaoine a tha fileanta no leth-fhileanta sa Ghàidhlig [B1+] agus deònach Beurla a’ chumail far a’ bhùird 😉 Tha seo riatanach gus Gàidhlig a chumail a’ dol. Ma chleachdas tu a’ Bheurla, cha bhi gealltanas sam bith ann gum faigh thu freagairt ann am Beurla.

Nise…thigeamaid còmhla ann an Taigh-Òsta nan Gàidheal airson pinnt no dhà a ghabhail agus deagh chraic sa Ghàidhlig!


@ The Park Bar, 1202 Argyle St, Finnieston, Glasgow G3 8TE

For people who are fluent or semi-fluent in Gaelic [B1+] and willing to keep English off the table 😉 This is important if we’re to keep the Gaelic language going. Therefore, if you use English then there’s no guarantee that people will answer you in English.

Now…let’s get together in the Taigh-Òsta nan Gàidheal for a pint or two, and some good Gaelic chat!

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Seiseanan Leughaidh Stiùirichte / Guided Reading Session
1:30 pm13:30

Seiseanan Leughaidh Stiùirichte / Guided Reading Session

Diardaoin bho 1:30f gu 3f
@ An Lòchran (22 Sràid Achadh a’ Mhansa, Glaschu).

Freagarrach do luchd-tòiseachaidh, 's gach seisean a' cosg £4/neach! Thig a-steach gus coinneachadh ri Griogair a bhios os cionn an tachartais.


Thursday from 1:30pm to 3pm
@ An Lòchran (22 Mansfield St, Glasgow).

Suitable for beginners, with each session costing £4/person! Come in to meet and work with Gregor, your host.

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Oidhche Fhilm / Film Night
7:00 pm19:00

Oidhche Fhilm / Film Night

English Below / Beurla gu h-ìosal

Seallaidh sinn air taghadh de dh' fhilmichean ann an cuideachd Àdhamh Ó Broin, a tha air a bhith na leas-riochdaire air grunn fhilmichean G```aidhlig, a' tighinn a-steach 1815, Song of The Selkie agus am film uabhais The Herring Girls. Bidh seisean "Q&A" ann às dèidh làimh, far am faigh thu cothrom ceistean a chur air Àdhamh fhèin aghaidh ri aghaidh.

'S e ceòladair is sgrìobhadair a th' ann an Àdhamh is e iomraiteach mar chomhairliche Gàidhlig a thug taic do sgioba Outlander. Am measg iomadh nì anns a bheil e air a bhith an sàs, is esan a stèidhich D`orlach, buidheann a bhios ag amas air dualchainntean is beairteas na Gàidhlig ath-bheòthachadh.


English / Beurla:

We will be watching a selection of Gaelic films in the company of Àdhamh Ó Broin, who has worked as an associate producer on several Gaelic films, including 1815, Song of The Selkie, and the Gaelic horror film The Herring Girls.There will be a Q&A session afterwards, where you will get a chance to put your questions to Àdhamh.

Àdhamh is musician and writer who is well-known for his work as a Gaelic consultant for the Outlander team. Among the many things Àdhamh has been involved in, he established D`orlach, a group which aims to revitalise the richness of Gaelic's dialects.We will be watching some short films from FilmG and the Gaelic horror film "The Herring Girls". Àdhamh Ó Broin, associate producer of the film, will be present.There will be a Q&A session afterwards, where you will get a chance to put your questions to Àdhamh.


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Oidhche na Cloinne le Jenny NicIlleDhuibh / Kids' Night with Jenny Black
4:30 pm16:30

Oidhche na Cloinne le Jenny NicIlleDhuibh / Kids' Night with Jenny Black

[Beurla gu h-ìosal / English Below]

Thigibh dhan Lòchran airson tachartas làn Ghàidhlig do chlann anns a' bhun-sgoil ann an Clasaichean 1 gu 4. Bidh Jenny NicIlleDhuibh againne - Urrasair agus Tidsear Bun-Sgoil - a' stiùireadh an spòrs air an latha le òrain, ealain is sgeulachdan.

Dèanaibh cinnteach gun glèidh sibh àite san ionad! Glèidhibh ur n-àite air EventBrite:

Come down to An Lòchran for a fun-filled Gaelic event for primary school children in P1-4. Our Trustee and Primary School Teacher Jenny Black will be leading the fun on the day with songs, arts and stories. This event is part of An Lòchran's Seachdain na Gàidhlig Programme.

Be sure to reserve a place to make sure you don't miss out. Reserve your place here on EventBrite:

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Oidhche Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Poetry Night
8:00 pm20:00

Oidhche Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Poetry Night

Thugainn còmhla rinn gus an cluinn sinn deagh bhàrdachd ann an cuideachd Shane Johnstone, Beth Frieden is Babs NicGriogair. Cha leig thu leas a bhith nad bhàrd gus pàirt a ghabhail ann, ach ma tha bàrdachd agad fhèin, faodaidh tu a leughadh ma thogras tu!

Gheibh thu tiogaidean tro EventBrite

Come along and hear some great Gaelic poetry from Shane Johnstone, Beth Frieden and Babs NicGriogair. You don't need to be a poet to take part, but if you have some Gaelic poetry of your own, you are more than welcome to read that too if you wish!

You can get tickets through EventBrite

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Cearcall-Còmhraidh tron fheasgar
6:00 pm18:00

Cearcall-Còmhraidh tron fheasgar

DiLuain bho 6f gu 7.45f
@ An Lòchran (22 Sràid Achadh a' Mhansa, Glaschu)

Do dh’fhileantaich agus do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a tha comasach air bruidhinn aig ìre mheadhanaich neo fhileanta.

Saor is an-asgaidh, le tì, cofaidh is bùrn/uisge rim faighinn.


Monday from 6pm to 7.45pm
@ An Lòchran hub (22 Mansfield Street, Glasgow).

For fluent speakers, and Gaelic learners able to speak at intermediate level or higher.

Free of charge, with tea, coffee and water provided.

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Oidhche Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Poetry Night
3:30 pm15:30

Oidhche Bhàrdachd Ghàidhlig / Gaelic Poetry Night

Thugainn còmhla rinn gus an cluinn sinn deagh bhàrdachd ann an cuideachd Shane Johnstone, Beth Frieden is Babs NicGriogair. Cha leig thu leas a bhith nad bhàrd gus pàirt a ghabhail ann, ach ma tha bàrdachd agad fhèin, faodaidh tu a leughadh ma thogras tu!

Come along and hear some great Gaelic poetry from Shane Johnstone, Beth Frieden and Babs NicGriogair. You don't need to be a poet to take part, but if you have some Gaelic poetry of your own, you are more than welcome to read that too if you wish!

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