English Below / Beurla gu h-ìosal
Seallaidh sinn air taghadh de dh' fhilmichean ann an cuideachd Àdhamh Ó Broin, a tha air a bhith na leas-riochdaire air grunn fhilmichean G```aidhlig, a' tighinn a-steach 1815, Song of The Selkie agus am film uabhais The Herring Girls. Bidh seisean "Q&A" ann às dèidh làimh, far am faigh thu cothrom ceistean a chur air Àdhamh fhèin aghaidh ri aghaidh.
'S e ceòladair is sgrìobhadair a th' ann an Àdhamh is e iomraiteach mar chomhairliche Gàidhlig a thug taic do sgioba Outlander. Am measg iomadh nì anns a bheil e air a bhith an sàs, is esan a stèidhich D`orlach, buidheann a bhios ag amas air dualchainntean is beairteas na Gàidhlig ath-bheòthachadh.
TIOGAIDEAN RIM FAIGHINN TRO EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oidhche-fhilm-le-qa-adhamh-o-broin-film-night-with-qa-adhamh-o-broin-tickets-1249304355959?aff=oddtdtcreator
English / Beurla:
We will be watching a selection of Gaelic films in the company of Àdhamh Ó Broin, who has worked as an associate producer on several Gaelic films, including 1815, Song of The Selkie, and the Gaelic horror film The Herring Girls.There will be a Q&A session afterwards, where you will get a chance to put your questions to Àdhamh.
Àdhamh is musician and writer who is well-known for his work as a Gaelic consultant for the Outlander team. Among the many things Àdhamh has been involved in, he established D`orlach, a group which aims to revitalise the richness of Gaelic's dialects.We will be watching some short films from FilmG and the Gaelic horror film "The Herring Girls". Àdhamh Ó Broin, associate producer of the film, will be present.There will be a Q&A session afterwards, where you will get a chance to put your questions to Àdhamh.
TICKETS ON EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oidhche-fhilm-le-qa-adhamh-o-broin-film-night-with-qa-adhamh-o-broin-tickets-1249304355959?aff=oddtdtcreator