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[B1+] Cearcall-Còmhraidh tron Latha

  • An Lòchran 22 Mansfield Street Glasgow, Scotland, G11 5QP United Kingdom (map)

Diardaoin bho 11m gu 1f
@ An Lòchran (22 Sràid Achadh a' Mhansa, Glaschu)

Do dh’fhileantaich agus do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a tha comasach air bruidhinn aig ìre mheadhanaich neo fhileanta.

Saor is an-asgaidh, le tì, cofaidh is bùrn/uisge rim faighinn.


Thursday from 11am to 1pm
@ An Lòchran hub (22 Mansfield Street, Glasgow).

For fluent speakers, and Gaelic learners able to speak at intermediate level or higher.

Free of charge, with tea, coffee and water provided.

Earlier Event: 10 February
[B1+] Cearcall-còmhraidh an Fheasgair
Later Event: 13 February
Seiseanan Leughaidh Stiùirichte!