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Cearcall-Còmhraidh tron fheasgar

DiLuain bho 6f gu 7.45f
@ An Lòchran (22 Sràid Achadh a' Mhansa, Glaschu)

Do dh’fhileantaich agus do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a tha comasach air bruidhinn aig ìre mheadhanaich neo fhileanta.

Saor is an-asgaidh, le tì, cofaidh is bùrn/uisge rim faighinn.


Monday from 6pm to 7.45pm
@ An Lòchran hub (22 Mansfield Street, Glasgow).

For fluent speakers, and Gaelic learners able to speak at intermediate level or higher.

Free of charge, with tea, coffee and water provided.