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Oidhche sa Phark Bar

  • The Park Bar 1202 Argyle Street Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8TE United Kingdom (map)

@ The Park Bar, 1202 Sràid Earra-Ghàidheal, Finnieston, Glaschu G3 8TE

Do dhaoine a tha fileanta no leth-fhileanta sa Ghàidhlig [B1+] agus deònach Beurla a’ chumail far a’ bhùird 😉 Tha seo riatanach gus Gàidhlig a chumail a’ dol. Ma chleachdas tu a’ Bheurla, cha bhi gealltanas sam bith ann gum faigh thu freagairt ann am Beurla.

Nise…thigeamaid còmhla ann an Taigh-Òsta nan Gàidheal airson pinnt no dhà a ghabhail agus deagh chraic sa Ghàidhlig!


@ The Park Bar, 1202 Argyle St, Finnieston, Glasgow G3 8TE

For people who are fluent or semi-fluent in Gaelic [B1+] and willing to keep English off the table 😉 This is important if we’re to keep the Gaelic language going. Therefore, if you use English then there’s no guarantee that people will answer you in English.

Now…let’s get together in the Taigh-Òsta nan Gàidheal for a pint or two, and some good Gaelic chat!

Later Event: 28 February
An Oifis Fhosgailte