@ Ionad An Lòchran. Saor an asgaigh. Tì, cofaidh agus uisge/bùrn.
Do luchd-tòiseachaidh, do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus do dh’fhileantaich! Tha ar caraidean aig Glasgow Gaelic Meetup a' cur seo air dòigh. Tadhail air an duilleig seo gus d’ àite a ghlèidheadh, leis gu bheil 22 shuidheachan (air a’ char as motha) againn a-mhàin.
Thig sinn còmhla sa Phark Bar ann am Finnieston aig 7:30f cuideachd gus an còmhradh Gàidhlig a chumail a dol! Tha a’ phàirt seo dhen fheasgar freagarrach do dhaoine aig ìre B1+.
@ An Lòchran hub. Free of charge. Tea, coffee and water provided.
This event is for beginners, learners and fluent speakers of Gaelic! Our friends at the Glasgow Gaelic Meetup group are setting this one up. Please make sure you click on this page to reserve your space, as seats are limited to 22 (at maximum).
From 7:30pm we’ll be at the Park Bar in Finnieston too, to keep the Gaelic chat going! This part of the evening is ideal for people at B1 level or higher.