Farpais a' Ghearrain! - February Competition!
Tha #sgrìobhi ag amas air cothrom a thoirt do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a bhith cruthachail leis a' chànan, 's iad a' toirt sùil air an làraich-lìn againn aig an aon àm 🙂
Bho mhìos gu mìos, bidh cuspair ùr ann. Ma bhuannaicheas an sgeul agadsa, thèid fhoillseachadh an seo air an làrach-lìn againn!
’S e mìos a’ Ghearrain 2025 a th’ ann agus an turas seo, tha sinn a' cur rudeigin rud beag eadar-dhealaichte air dòigh…tòimhseachan-tarsainn (Beurla: crossword) ann an Gàidhlig! 📰
An do rinn thu fhèin a-riamh tòimhseachan-tarsainn ann an Gàidhlig? Mura do rinn, seo an teansa agad!
Feumaidh tu an tòimhseachan-tarsainn aig bonn na duilleig seo fhuasgladh ro dheireadh a’ mhìos agus ga chur thugainn air info@anlochran.com. Nise, ’s e faidhle .png (= dealbh) a th’ ann, mar sin feumaidh tu briogadh deas (right-click) a dhèanamh air, an uair sin faodaidh tu a shàbhaladh nad fhòn/nad choimpiutair agus a phriontadh. Aon uair ’s gu bheil thu air crìoch a chur air, tog dealbh dheth agus cuir air ais gu seòladh puist-d gu h-àrd e.
Tha 4 dhe na 20 freagairt air an lìonadh, gus taic a thoirt dhut ⬇️ Thèid ainmean nan daoine a lìonas an tòimhseachan-tarsainn gu ceart a chur ann am poit. Ma thèid an t-ainm a th’ ortsa a thaghadh mar bhuannaiche, seo na bhuannaicheas tu:
✨ Co-labhairt bhideo air Zùm còmhla ri dithis bho sgioba an Lòchrain! ✨
Fad: Uair a thìde
Cuspair: Cabadaich ann an Gàidhlig còmhla rinn!
Ceangal gu duilleag dhìomhair le prìomh mholaidhean Anndaidh airson Gàidhlig a thogail gu luath!
Seo deagh chothrom dhut, ma-thà, fàs eòlach air an sgioba againn, ceistean sam bith a chur, innse dhuinn mu do chuid ionnsachaidh, amsaa.
Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair ris na fuasglaidhean agaibh!
#sgrìobhi is aimed at giving the learners among us the opportunity to get creative with the Gaelic language, whilst having a wee browse of our website as well 🙂
Each month, there’ll be a new subject. If your story wins, it’ll be published here on our website!
So it’s February 2025, and this time we’re putting something a little bit different on…a crossword in Gaelic! 📰
Have you ever done a crossword in Scottish Gaelic? If not, An Lòchran is going to give you that chance!
Your goal is to complete the crossword at the bottom of this page before the end of the month, and send it to us on info@anlochran.com. Now it’s a .png file (= picture), so do a right-click on it, then you can save it to your computer (or whatever device you’re using) and print it out. Once you’ve finished the crossword, take a picture of it and send it back to us on the email address above.
4 of the 20 answers have been done for you, to help you get started ⬇️ All those who complete the crossword correctly will have their names put into a hat. If your name gets drawn as the winner, here’s what you’ll win:
✨ A Zoom call with two members of the An Lòchran team! ✨
Duration: 1 hour
Subject: Chatting in Gaelic with us!
A link to a secret page with Andy’s top tips for learning Gaelic fast!
So this’ll be a good opportunity for you to get to know our team a little, ask any questions you’ve got for us, tell us how you’re getting on with your Gaelic learning, and so forth.
We look forward to receiving your solutions!