Sgeul #5: "Gnothaichean Càiseach"
Haidh, a chàirdean! 👋
Tha sinn a’ comharrachadh mìos eile dhen fharpais SGRÌOBHI againn.
Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a chuir sgeulachd a-steach. An turas seo, ’s e Ann am buannaiche! Abair sgeul snog a sgrìobh i mu chàise 🧀 agus piotsa 🍕
Bidh sinn air ais a dh’aithghearr le farpais eile. Anns an eadar-àm, seo dhuibh “Gnothaichean Càiseach” 😁
Bha muinntir Baile nan Gòrach air bhioran, ’s iad a’ faighinn deiseil airson pàrtaidh sònraichte an Rìgh. Bha teaghlach an Rìgh dèidheil air piotsa.
Ge-tà, bha buidheann de luchan eucoireach a’ planaigeadh grunn phuinnd de chàise a ghoid a bha airson nam piotsan. Bha ceannard a’ bhuidhinn, Artair, aig ceann a’ bhùird, ’s e ag innse do chàch mar a ghoideadh iad an càise. Bha am plana air a dhèanamh.
Domhainn fo chlàran-ùrlair cidsin a’ Chaisteil, dh’fhuirich arm de luchan gus am biodh a h-uile càil sàmhach an oidhche ud. Gu mì-fhortanach, chan fhaca na mèirlich Hee Aww, an t-asal a chuala a h-uile càil. Ruith e a-mach agus dh’innis e dha charaidean. Rinn iad plana còmhla.
An oidhche ud, shreap mìle de luchan suas seann phìoban a’ Chaisteil, ’s iad a’ faighinn deiseil an cidsin a chreachadh. Gu neònach, chan fhaca iad fiù ’s aon chat. Nuair a chaidh na luchan a-steach dhan chidsin, chunnaic na spùinneadairean an càise mòr, mòr, mòr na laighe air a’ bhòrd. An duais!
Ruith iad uile air a’ bhòrd – ach, mo chreach! Spreadh an càise agus leum na cait a-mach às. Ruith na luchan gu gach taobh. Chan e fìor chàise a bh’ ann, ’s e bogsa de chait a bh’ ann. Bha an fhìor chàise anns a’ frids mhòr!
Bha Hee Aww air an latha a shàbhaladh. Thug an Rìgh taing dha, agus rinn a h-uile duine gàire.
An ath mhadainn, bha na còcairean gu math trang ann an cidsin a’ Chaisteil. Bha iad a’ dèanamh tòrr piotsan le tòrr càise air a’ mhullach.
Aig 3f, thàinig muinntir a’ bhaile còmhla, ’s iad nan suidhe aig bùird agus ag ithe nam piotsan blasta. Thuirt an Rìgh “Taing mhòr!” dha na daoine aige airson na cìsean àrda a chuidich e beatha shaor a leantainn gun dragh sam bith.
Gu fortanach, theich na luchan bho bhith air am fuine ann am pàidh – no an e sin an t-eun-dubh?
There was great excitement in the town of Stupid. The people of the town were getting ready for a special party, hosted by the King. The King’s family just loved pizzas.
However, a group of criminal mice were planning to steal several pounds of cheese that was for the pizzas. The group leader, Arthur, was at the head of the table, telling the others how they would steal the cheese. The plan was made.
Deep beneath the floorboards of the castle’s kitchen, the army of mice waited till all was quiet that night. Unfortunately, they didn't notice Hee Aww, the donkey who heard everything. He rushed out to tell his friends. Together, they made a plan.
That night, thousands of mice climbed the old pipes of the castle, ready to raid the kitchen. Strangely, they didn't even see one cat. As they entered the kitchen, they saw the great big massive cheese sitting on the kitchen table. The prize!
They all ran onto the table – but agh! The cheese exploded and out jumped the cats. The mice ran in every direction. The cheese was fake, it was really a box of cats. The real cheese was in the big fridge!
Donkey had saved the day. The King thanked him, and everybody smiled.
Next morning, the chefs were really busy in the castle kitchen, making lots of pizzas topped with loads of cheese.
At 3pm the townspeople gathered together, sitting at tables and eating the delicious pizzas. The King said thank you to his people for the high taxes that allowed him to lead a luxurious lifestyle without worries.
Luckily, the mice escaped getting baked in a pie – or was that the blackbird?