Beurla gu h-ìosal [English below]
Thigibh còmhla rinn airson faighinn a-mach mu eachdraidh na h-eaglaise agus cladh aig Eaglais nam Manach Liath tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig!
Bidh èildear na h-eaglaise, Ruaraidh Iain MacLeòid, a' sealltainn fearann agus togalach na h-eaglaise dhuinn tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Abair cothrom airson eachdraidh inntinneach a thogail ann am prìomh-bhaile na h-Alba.
Glèidhibh ur n-àitichean air EventBrite AN SEO.
Come along to find out about the history of Greyfriar's Kirk in Gaelic. Church Elder Roddy John MacLeod will be taking us on a tour of the church building and grounds. What an amazing chance to learn about interesting history in Scotland's capital city.
Although this is a free event, we would like guests to contribute a small donation to Greyfriar's Kirk if they are able.
Reserve your spot on Eventbrite HERE.