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Oidhche TBh @ An Lòchran!

  • Ionad An Lòchran 22 Mansfield Street Glasgow, Scotland, G11 5QP United Kingdom (map)

@ Ionad An Lòchran. Saor an-asgaidh, ach feumaidh tu suidheachan a ghlèidheadh tro EVENTBRITE.

Bidh sinn a’ sgrìonadh Trusadh: Saoghal Nuala aig An Lòchran! 🎬 ’S e eapasod ùr a tha seo, ’s Nuala ag innse dhuinn dè tha i a’ dèanamh gus an saoghal timcheall oirre fhàgail nas tuigsiche a thaobh òtasam.

Ann an Gàidhlig, le fo-thiotalan sa Bheurla. Le tì, cofaidh, teoclaid teth, bùrn/uisge agus greimeannan-bìdh rim faighinn.

Thigibh a-steach agus let’s get cosy 🙂

@ An Lòchran. Free of charge, but you must reserve your seat via EVENTBRITE.

We’ll be screening Trusadh: Saoghal Nuala (Nuala’s World) at An Lòchran! 🎬 This is a new episode of the program where Nuala tells us about what she’s doing to make the world around her more understanding in regards to autism.

In Gaelic, with subtitles in English. With tea, coffee, hot chocolate, water and snacks available.

Come in, and let’s get cosy 🙂

Earlier Event: 3 September
Club Dannsa Gàidhealach - 3.9.24