@ Ionad An Lòchran. Saor an-asgaidh, ach feumaidh tu suidheachan a ghlèidheadh tro EVENTBRITE.
Bidh sinn a' sgrìonadh a' gheama eadar Alba agus a' Ghearmailt! ⚽⚽ Ma thèid a h-uile rud gu ceart, bidh sinn fiù 's ga sgrìonadh ann an Gàidhlig!
Bidh farpais-cheist bheag agus rafail a' dol cuideachd, 's ticeadan-rafail rim faotainn tro phost d gu info@anlochran.com. Innsidh sinn dhut dè seòrsa de dhuaisean a tha rim faotainn!
Le tì, cofaidh, teoclaid teth is uisge/bùrn rim faighinn.
@ An Lòchran hub. Free of charge, but please reserve your seat via EVENTBRITE.
We’ll be screening the opening game of Euro 2024 between Scotland and Germany! ⚽⚽ If all goes to plan, we’ll even be screening it in Gaelic!
There’ll be a wee quiz and a raffle too, you can buy raffle tickets by emailing us at info@anlochran.com. We’ll tell you what sort of prizes are up for grabs!
With tea, coffee, hot chocolate and water available.