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Dannsa Gàidhealach

  • An Lòchran 22 Mansfield Street Glasgow, Scotland, G11 5QP United Kingdom (map)

Dimàirt bho 5f gu 6f
@ An Lòchran (22 Sràid Achadh a’ Mhansa, Glaschu)

Seo club spòrsail far an ionnsaich thu dannsa Gàidhealach tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig! Tha an tachartas seo do sgoilearan bho chlasaichean 1-7 aig ìre dannsa sam bith.

Gus àite a ghlèidheadh agus tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn, feumaidh tu post-d a chur gu Caragh NicFhionghain:


Tuesday from 5pm to 6pm
@ An Lòchran hub (22 Mansfield St, Glasgow).

This is a fun club where you’ll learn Highland dancing through the medium of Scottish Gaelic! This event is for schoolchildren in P1-P7, no matter how much experience they have with dancing.

To reserve a spot and obtain all further information, you must email Caragh MacKinnon here:

Earlier Event: 9 December
[B1+] Cearcall-còmhraidh an Fheasgair
Later Event: 12 December
[B1+] Cearcall-Còmhraidh tron Latha