Mòran taing dhan fheadhainn a thàinig a-steach gus pàirt a ghabhail san tachartas A1+ againn san t-Samhain 2024!
Seo na slides a chleachd sinn aig an tachartas fhèin ⬇️ Chì thu dealbhan a chaidh a thogail cuideachd.
Gheibh thu clàradh-guth bhuamsa gu h-ìosal cuideachd, gus taic a thoirt dhut le fuaimneachadh nam faclan, ma bhios sin feumail.
Ma tha ceistean agad no rud sam bith mì-shoilleir, cuir fios thugam tro info@anlochran.com.
Andy xx
Thank you to those who attended our A1+ event in November 2024!
Here’s the slide deck we used at the event itself ⬇️ You’ll also see pictures taken at the event.
Below you’ll also find a voice recording I did, to help with pronunciation of words, if that’ll be useful.
If you have any questions, of if anything’s unclear, let me know on info@anlochran.com.
Andy xx