Air an 18mh dhen Lùnastal, thàinig sinn còmhla aig An Lòchran a-rithist airson oidhche gheamaichean eile sa Ghàidhlig. Chaidh Ciste Ulaidh na h-Alba, Ticket to Ride agus Ludo a chluich, agus bhitheamaid air Jenga a chluich cuideachd ach bha - air adhbhar air choreigin - na pìosan againn ro bheag… 😁
Co-dhiù neo co-dheth, bha deichnear ann agus tòrr spòrs aig a h-uile duine! Rinn sinn ar dìcheall a thaobh na Gàidhlig (a chaidh a chleachdadh tron fheasgar) agus chaidh cuid dhinn dhan taigh-sheinns’ às dèidh làimhe airson pinnt.
Le taing mhòr do dh’Ilse airson an oidhche a chur air chois agus don a h-uile duine eile a bha an sàs. Tha sinn a’ dèanamh fiughair ris an ath thuras!
On August 18th, we got together at An Lòchran again for another night of games in Gaelic. We played Ciste Ulaidh na h-Alba, Ticket to Ride and Ludo, and we would have played Jenga too, but - for some reason - the pieces we had were too small… 😁
Either way, there were ten of us, and everyone had a lot of fun! We did our best in regards to the Gaelic, using the language throughout the evening, and some of us went to the pub afterwards for a pint.
Big thanks to Ilse for setting the evening up, and to everyone else who was involved. We’re looking forward to the next one!