
Air latha fliuch eile san Iuchar, thàinig mu fhichead duine còmhla aig An Lòchran ann an Glaschu gus feasgar de dh’ionnsachadh a chur seachad còmhla. Chleachd sinn a’ Ghàidhlig agus a’ Bheurla aig an tachartas seo, air sgàth ’s gur e tachartas a bh’ ann a bha ag amas air a h-uile duine - luchd-tòiseachaidh, luchd-ionnsachaidh agus luchd-labhairt dùthchasach!

Às dèidh dhuinn cur an aithne a chèile, chluich sinn geama le seantansan goirid sa Ghàidhlig a bha rin eadar-theangachadh gu Beurla. Cuideachd, chleachd sinn clàraidhean goirid de dhaoine a bha a’ bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig, ’s ceistean ann gus faicinn dè bha a h-uile duine a’ tuigsinn agus dè nach robh 😉 Le bhith a’ cleachdadh cruinneachadh de chlàraidhean bho A1 gu C2, rinn sinn cinnteach gun robh dùbhlan ann dhan a h-uile aoigh.

Às dèidh a’ gheama, rinn sinn a’ chiad eacarsaich-labhairt dhen fheasgar, ’s i stèidhichte air grunn cheistean sìmplidh a chluinneas tu gu tric sa Ghàidhlig, leithid “Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort?” agus “Ciamar a tha thu ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig?”. Chaidh an còmhradh seo a chumail aig gach bòrd fa-leth, ’s teansa aig a h-uile duine na ceistean fhaighneachd agus a fhreagairt. Ghabh sinn uile fois is srùbag às dèidh sin.

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Nuair a thill sinn, chluich sinn geama eile a thug sùil air Gàidhlig “nas ùire” san 21a linn. Tha beachd ann gu bheil dà sheòrsa de Ghàidhlig ann - Gàidhlig le cainnt tradaiseanta agus Gàidhlig le cainnt nas ùire, cainnt a tha nas freagarraiche dhan latha an-diugh fhèin. Gus blasad fhaighinn dhen gheama, seo bhideo goirid.

Chuir sinn crìoch air an fheasgar le bhith a’ dèanamh eacarsaich-labhairt eile (“A bheil teicneòlas a’ còrdadh riut? Carson/Carson nach eil?”) anns na buidhnean againn. Cuideachd, thug mi iomradh air an fharpais-sgrìobhaidh mhìosail againn #sgrìobhi a tha na deagh chothrom do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a bhith a’ fàs cruthachail leis a’ chànan.

Ach ’s e seo facal eile a tha uabhasach cudromach ma thathar airson cànan ùr a thogail agus a leasachadh:


Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gum bu chòir dhut dòighean a lorg gus barrachd Ghàidhlig fhaighinn a-steach dhan bheatha làitheil agad. Chì thu am measg nan dealbhan 9 dòighean furasta, èifeachdach seo a dhèanamh bho latha gu latha ⬇️ Agus an t-amas? A’ Ghàidhlig againn a leasachadh agus àireamhan de luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a neartachadh cuideachd!

Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig a-steach gus pàirt a ghabhail san fheasgar - ’s math a rinn sibh uile! 👏 Bha e cho math gun robh measgachadh mòr de dhaoine ann, ’s cuid dhinn a’ dol air adhart dhan Lios Mhòr agus do Thaigh-Òsta na Pàirce gus an còmhradh Gàidhlig a chumail a’ dol! 🍻

Suas leis a’ mhion-chànan againn 🙂

Andy agus sgioba AL xx


On another wet day in July, around 20 people got together at An Lòchran in Glasgow to spend the afternoon learning together. We used Gaelic and English at this event, as it was an event for everyone - beginners, learners and native speakers alike!

After doing a wee round of introductions, we kicked off with a game featuring short Gaelic sentences that needed translated into English. We also played some short recordings of people speaking Gaelic, with questions to test people’s understanding of what they were saying 😉 By using a sample of recordings from A1 to C2, we made sure everyone’s Gaelic was put to the test!

Following the game, we did our first speaking exercise of the afternoon, which was based on several simple questions that you’ll often hear in Gaelic, such as “Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort?” (What’s your name?) and “Ciamar a tha thu ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig?” (How are you learning Gaelic?). This conversation was had on each individual table, so everyone would have the chance to ask these questions and answer them. We then took a wee tea break.

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When we returned, we played another game, one that looked at “new” Gaelic in the 21st Century. It’s said that there are two types of Gaelic - the traditional kind, and the newer kind that’s more suited to modern-day topics. To get a taste of this game we played, here’s a wee video.

We brought the afternoon to a close by doing another speaking exercise (“A bheil teicneòlas a’ còrdadh riut? Carson/Carson nach eil?” / Do you like technology? Why/Why not?) in our groups. I also made reference to our monthly creative writing competition #sgrìobhi, which gives learners a good opportunity to get creative with the language!

But here’s another word that’s hugely important when it comes to picking up and strengthening one’s grasp of a new language:


This simply means that you should find ways of getting Gaelic into your daily life more. Among the pictures below, you’ll find 9 simple, yet effective ways of doing this from day to day ⬇️ The goal being that we improve our own Gaelic and help strengthen the numbers of those speaking it 🙂

Thank you very much to everyone who came in to take part in the afternoon - you all did well! 👏 It was so good to see a good mix of people there, and some of us headed to the Lismore and then the Park Bar afterwards, to keep the Gaelic conversation going! 🍻

Up with our minority language 🙂

Andy and the AL team xx